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Become a Certified Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) Instructor 

and/or a certified Well Nourished Coach 

 "Where the personal meets the professional with a life-transforming journey"


 Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) Professional Online Training

Spring MB-EAT online program begins April 18, 2025

Fridays at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. PDT / 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. EDT   


Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) Professional Training In Person 5 Day Retreat 

May 11 - 16, 2025 at Kripalu Institute, Stockbridge, MA

Program and Registration details HERE


Bring your life back to balance, ease, vibrancy, well being and joy with our NIH funded research-based and evidence-based mindful eating and mindfulness-based programs, teacher certification programs, nature-based retreats and programs, coaching and mentoring services for professionals and the general public. We specialize in mindful eating, mindful self-compassion, and integrative nutrition approaches for coming to peace with food, healing disordered eating, overeating, body image issues, weight concerns, general nutrition, stress and health concerns. 




The Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) and Living Professional Training Program is a 3 month online interactive professional training. This online program trains you how to embody the practice, become a mindful eater and teach mindfulness meditation 

and mindful eating from an authentic place of experience and understanding. 


You will learn how to better support your individual clients with an amazing toolbox of skills and practices, experience the 12 session MB-EAT program yourself and receive training to become a Qualified MB-EAT Instructor to lead the public 12 session group program in your community. We are now offering options in Spanish, French and Portuguese to better support your learning experience in your own language.


Meet the Founder and Director


Andrea Lieberstein, MPH, RDN, IMTA CMT-P, MB-EAT-C, RYT, is Founder and Director of the Mindful Eating Training Institute offering evidence-based professional training programs. She is a mindful eating expert, internationally recognized mindful eating teacher trainer, author, certified ecotherapist, certified mindfulness meditation teacher, MBSR instructor, and weight inclusive registered dietitian nutritionist with over 30 years experience. She was a lead consultant and instructor in NIH funded mindful eating research at UCSF and spearheaded Mind Body Programs at various Kaiser Permanente Medical Centers for 20 years. Andrea trains healthcare professionals to become a Mindful Eating Instructors/practitioners and Well Nourished Health Coaches with her online interactive certification programs and offers public retreats and personal coaching. One of Andrea’s greatest passions and joys is sharing the life transforming practices of mindfulness, meditation, compassion, mindful eating, yoga, nature-based awareness practices, 

and “Well Nourished” healthy lifestyles with others.


Andrea's book, "Well Nourished" was recognized as one of the

"Best Mindfulness book 2020"

by Mindful Magazine


Train with best-selling author of 'Well Nourished', Andrea Lieberstein, MPH, RDN, RYT, IMTA CMT-P.

Andrea has been featured in these retreat centers, publications, organizations, and conferences

Mindful magazine - logo
Mindful Eating - logo
Spirit Rock - logo
Kripalu center for yoga & health
Omega - logo
1440 Multiversity
Spirituality & Health
eat right - logo
Eating Recovery Academy
International Meeting on Mindfulness

Heal Your Relationship with food, body and self. 

Free your energy, stop the struggle, celebrate your body and embrace your well nourished life.

Our online and in person programs, individual sessions and retreats provide an optimum blend of mindfulness and mindful eating training, powerful self-care skills and tools, cutting edge nutrition and health information and support for healing your relationship with food, body and self, through sustainable change with Andrea Lieberstein, a mindful eating expert, mindfulness-based registered dietitian nutritionist, certified Mindfulness Teacher and certified yoga teacher. Andrea has over 30 years of experience in mindfulness training and meditation, integrative nutrition approaches, mind body medicine, stress management, emotional eating, yoga and healthy lifestyles.

There are many options to find the right mindful eating and living program for you -

whether for professional training and a new career focus and/or personal awareness and growth.

Spring program begins April 18, 2025

48 CEU's available for Registered Dietitians, Mental Health Counselors and Therapists, Social Workers, Nurses and other related health professionals in the U.S. and Canada

More details HERE

"This course was transformative personally and professionally. It has changed the way I work with clients in helping them manage stress and stress eating. Best thing I ever did for myself."

Claire Stuebe, LPC;  U.S.A.

"This is a wonderful program to help professionals help people with behavior change, both learning what is your inner wisdom and your outer wisdom. This is one of the best classes I have taken in my 35 years as a nutrition professional and I highly recommend it. Andrea is a compassionate, patient teacher."

Linda Rosini, RDN, IFNCP, CDE, CNSC

 "The course was beyond my expectations. Presentation of contents, meditations, communications, and interaction, all are conducted in a friendly and professional manner. The course provides the tools to understand and improve the relationship with food, become awareness of habits, triggers, cravings, and become a mindful eater."

  Nora Oliveri - MD, Argentina

Become a Certified Well Nourished Coach 

This 5 Month Program is based on the best-selling book, ‘Well Nourished’, by Andrea Lieberstein with research based practices and ancient wisdom. It will include live and recorded virtual bi-monthly meetings, ongoing support, engagement and coaching opportunities along with community building to allow you to go deeper into the practice of the essential coaching skills, map, model and evidence-based techniques to best support your clients. Prerequisite required of Mindful Eating (MB-EAT) or similar background in mindful eating and mindfulness meditation.

Special Combo discounts available when registering for both MB-EAT and Well Nourished Coach Training programs.


Join our five month program starting April 16, 2025.  More details HERE


Well Nourished Fundam​entals 

Learn tools and skills in more depth, based on my best selling book, 'Well Nourished'

For Professionals and Non-professionals 

Eight Sessions with over 18 hours of content

Watch at Your Own Pace plus monthly live Q&A sessions with Andrea

More details HERE   


Meditation Group - Three Jewels of the Heart

Our monthly online meditation group led by Andrea Lieberstein. Offered on the first Wednesday of each month at 11:00 am PDT starting on April 2nd. More details and registration HERE


Andrea coaches and trains internationally, teaching at renowned retreat centers across the country and internationally offering pioneering online professional and personal training programs. She has degrees from Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. Learn more here.

Well Nourished Mindful Eating Book by Andrea Lieberstein

Get Inspired to be 'Well Nourished' in your life.

Purchase your copy of my book, 'WELL NOURISHED'

Featured as one of the

Best Mindfulness Books of 2020

in Mindful Magazine

Available at your favorite local bookstore

or online at Amazon.

Learn more about my book here

To receive our complimentary '10 tips to Mindful Eating'

or to contact Andrea about any programs fill out the form here.

Mindfulness and Mindful Eating and Living Programs: 

-Online Live or In Person Health Professional Trainings

-Retreats and Classes for the General Public

-Mindful Eating Coaching, Classes, Retreats, Groups and Workshops

-Worksite Consultation, Presentations and Training Programs

-CEU'S and CPE's available for most programs

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